in house creative
IHC logo copy


blue and yellow line

Hey print designer.

This is the place you THRIVE!

INSPIRATION and creative education meet your creative eco-system.

The ultimate creative:


One with a confident and multifaceted skillset, that accelerates new ideas, is excited to play, and whose batteries are constantly charged. You thirsty?


For years, people have asked for a way to work with me in a way that combines my expertise and idea generation, whilst providing ongoing support.


They wanted help not only with learning the practical stuff (the methods, techniques, and strategies) but with figuring out the “how do I make this successful in the long game?” question.


They wanted to be immersed in a waterfall of new ideas and techniques to experiment with.


They wanted to push their creative boundaries to the realm of "I didn't know this was possible for me!"


They wanted a creative business that thrived… not just survived.


But more than that they wanted to remove the noise, the doubt and questions and have the confidence to create. To feel invincible when facing any brief.


Wouldn't it be incredible to get so lost in your work that you look up and hours have already passed?

I can help with all of that.

YOU ASKED FOR IT... I'm coming up with the goods.

Until now, the only way to get my eyes on your art and designs was through my complete compositions course - but then what?

At long last, I cleared space to provide this much sought-after offering.

The perfect combination of

Learning, SUPPORT, inspiration, & ACCOUNTABILITY.

No modules and no heavy curriculum to fall behind on. But loads to help you grow and evolve into the creative you desire.

Best of all, you’ll learn from someone who’s like you.

Someone who’s walked the walk, started at the beginning and is a walking talking creative junkie. Hi! Here we are! That's me, and all your fellow Inhouser's too 🙂

So who am I?

flower artist and mentor

Howdy, I'm Natasha

An international print designer and artist and I've spent the past 12+ years working in the textiles industry creating SELL OUT collections all through the power of hand-crafted original artwork.

If you haven't guessed already, florals are my favorite.

You will find most of my artwork in the stores of high-street giants you know and love. 

But HOW am I different?

Because creating with your hands is something only YOU can do!

100% made by me, no pixels or snapping lines are generalising my hand. And that's something very few can say.

At University my tutor told me; "If you can paint flowers, you will always have a job in the textiles industry".

But the BEST bit is…

There are countless ways to do it, and what's more, it doesn't have to stop at flowers. Your skills can cross many dimensions. It's about experimenting, finding the thing you love, and your way to do it.

That's how you make this work in the long game!

Natasha Gulliford Logo

So you're thinking...

"How can a creative hub ELEVATE my creative practise?"

Remember… even the lone ranger didn't do it alone.

I've spent the past 2 and a half years teaching over 700 people through my online classes and mentoring programs. The thing that has elevated their practices, encouraged them to keep going and pushed them to complete each lesson has been the students by their side. This ultimately has led them to the successes that you see today.

The Secret Recipe is you and me

The SECRET recipe is you & me with a sprinkling of EVERYONE else.

A community is where the real magic happens.

As my early design years were spent as in-house designer, I know the full power of a creative studio. It was electric. The simple action of watching, appreciating and understanding your peers, is a force to be reckoned with. To see others come up with new designs sparks new ideas….these are the lightbulb moments that allow your own hand to develop.

This is the

gold dust

that comes with CREATIVE spaces

"So I have to come up with more ideas, I've just figured this bit out."

I feel ya', there is a lot of "prepping the pipes" before you can let your creativity flow.

Don't get me wrong, freelancing is the best decision I made.

  • No more pigeonholing!
  • Choosing your own briefs is exciting
  • Owning your own business is incredible


But of course, there's always a little salt amongst the sugar.


There's no one directing, no one helping with decision making, no one else there to inspire, share knowledge, or elevate energy! NO ACCOUNTABILITY!



  • Being a constant treadmill of creative ideas isn't achievable. The more you force it the stronger the creative block!
  • Sometimes it's lonely, you miss that organic creative hub, chatting with like-minded peers, and because of that you end up procrastinating and stuck with a little white box syndrome. (and social scroll whoops!)


Natasha Brand Shoot-22

Let ME ask you...

  • How much time are you spending deliberating over what's trending, whether you should do this or that instead of actually designing?


  • Are you spending precious time researching and mood boarding instead of actually creating?


  • You're too focused on nailing what's happening NOW instead of what will last? (it doesn't always have to be the trend)


  • Are you stuck with one style, one look… meaning your sales potential will plateau.


  • Ultimately you are spending time thinking, and not actually doing.

^^^ If that’s how you feel ^^^

you're in the right place

You might have noticed that I:

  • Don't stick to one "Niche"
  • Can create multifaceted collections
  • Have a varied hand all tied together with a golden thread
  • I concentrate on target marketing alongside trend


And it’s all about knowing the possibilities at your fingertips and having your eyes opened to the inspiration around you.

long blue yellow line

Throw out the "How to be a successful surface pattern designer" handbook.


Who said the riches are in the niches?… not in this game! Not when it can stunt your creativity, your development, your messy side, the side we need to be active. (you heard it here first).


I’ve never had the discipline to consistently do things I’m not obsessed with. And I'm obsessed with creating gorgeousness and enjoying every part of the process. The messy, the midway and the marvellous!

Let's face it...

If you’re still here, you already know you’re INTERESTED.


This is perfect if you’re a:

  • A print/pattern designer
  • An aspiring print/pattern designer
  • An artist ready to dive into something new
  • A creative person who wants to stretch their abilities and experiment


And you:

  • Are ready to become part of an electric creative tribe. (AKA an Inhouser)
  • Are wanting to learn new skills and new ways to utilise the ones you already own
  • Are ready to embrace the messy to unlock the marvelous
  • Are wanting a community to grow with, inspire with and encourage with.


And you want to:

  • Have new ideas to share with prospective clients regularly, consistently, and confidently.
  • Expand your repertoire
  • Figure it out. The possibilities, the bits you like, the bits you don't.
  • Have a multidisciplinary hand within your collection to appeal to and draw in more DREAM clients and customers.
  • Become so obsessed with creating hand-drawn artwork, you can’t NOT do it.


As a designer and artist, it's integral to shake up your style, inject new avenues, and allow your hand to travel in different directions in order to max out your sales.


After all, no one wants the same design twice!

But you need SOMEWHERE to turn when your blank page is STARING back at you?

My goal is for YOU to:

  • Become a creativity machine, doing work that makes you feel self-expressed, alive, and engaged.
  • Tap into your talent, and experience breakthroughs in areas where you’ve been stuck forever.
  • Be free to create instead of just thinking about creating!
  • Say to me, “OMG I no longer feel like I'm churning!”




I've created the Inhouse Creative to provide a space that will take of some of that burden… one that will inject inspiration and guidance creatively whilst also teaching you some new techniques for you to use to allow you to thrive.

I'm going to give you all of the above…learning, inspiration and structure so you can spend less time thinking and more time doing…Alongside a heap of connection, community, and creativity.


It's time to knock it up a gear

Action begets action. 

Let’s go!

The inclusive membership with
COMMUNITY and creation at its heart.

in house creative
blue and yellow line

How will it serve you?





Okay, let's BREAK IT DOWN...What do you get?




To coincide with the monthly brief and mood board there will be a tutorial lesson taking you through different techniques and styles of creating artwork.




You will be invited to monthly live art classes, which will be where we interpret the mood board and this month's technique into something new.

It will be very interactive over zoom, a great mixture of experimentation and fun, and a great way to see how other creative brains work.


We are joined by guest experts each month to help you get your creative business on track. These sessions will help you work ON the business, which will elevate opportunities for you instead of just working on all the creative things.




Monthly Q&A / Hotseat to smooth out any kinks. An opportunity to ask me and your fellow in-housers your struggles to help you over the roadblocks.


Where you can share work ask questions from your peers and start making friends.


As a member of 'inhouse creative', you will have the chance to take over the membership for a day. As the account grows it will be great exposure to start showcasing yourself and get more eyes on you. I want to support the growth of your entire business, not just what's happening inside.




There will be monthly mood boards that will coincide with the monthly art class. This is for you to experiment with something you would perhaps otherwise avoid.




For you to use and add to as a way to share the research stage.





There will be 2 x 1-hour sessions scheduled each week. These are optional, but a really great way for you to be accountable, stop the scrolling, and spend a full hour working with no distractions.

What is digital co-working?

These sessions are over zoom, everyone is on mute and spends the hour working on what they need to get done. you don't learn anything, it's just a great way to be accountable and remove distractions.


If you want to be buddied up just let me know and we can arrange it. Having someone to talk to about your goals, and ideas (who isn't your mum and/or partner) really helps to keep you on track, inspire you to push forward, and drive you to succeed.



We will be adding mini-courses to the content throughout the membership to give you a short deep-dive into specific areas, like our

  • Watercolour Winter Florals 4-part course

  • Creating Colour Harmony 4-part course

Ready to make 2024 the year you took back control.


£28 per month


This is a rolling subscription, and you can cancel at any time.



£280 per year


Sign up for the year at a discounted price, and get 2 months FREE!